High-Rise And Difficult Access Work

High-Rise building maintenance and repair has been a core Full Send service for decades. From a typical residential tower to a booming Vancouver, there’s a good chance we’ve been involved in the maintenance and/or repairs of the building.

Working on tall buildings requires a keen understanding of the extreme environmental conditions that building systems must withstand daily. This combined with the knowledge of how to safely access and perform specialty repair work on tall buildings is what sets us apart from most restoration and repair contractors.

Whether accessing from a swing-stage, scaffolding, or rope access, our large staff of highly-skilled workers are trained to work on a variety of high-rise structures.

Full Send performs a wide array of services on residential and commercial high-rise buildings:
  • Leak investigations
  • Sealant repairs and replacement
  • Glazing gasket replacement
  • Wet sealing of glazing systems
  • Curtain wall / window wall sealants and weep cleaning
  • Re-cladding with EIFS, EIFS-drainage systems, stucco, etc.
  • Waterproofing / deck coatings / traffic coatings
  • Window and door replacement
  • Cleaning / painting / recoating existing claddings
  • Window repairs and replacement

Some high-rise building owners may hire as many as three different subcontractors for sealant, metal flashing, and waterproofing repairs. The expert in-house staff at Full Send have the combined skills and experience to perform all scopes of work while maintaining a highly competitive cost advantage.

We perform a wide array of repair and restoration services on residential properties

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